Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Once impossible, Now possible

                       All eyes are on the President Benigno Simeon “Noynoy” C. Aquino III as he goes set to deliver his State of the Nation Address (SONA) in the Joint Session of 15th Congress at the House of Representatives last July 23, 2012. This SONA 2012 will be the 3rd SONA since he was elected as the Philippine President.
                     The delivered SONA is hs report about the achievements his administration had for the past 2 years. The highlight was the economic gains that the Philippine achieved like: First, the successful implementation of the K+12 program. Second, his economic reforms have been down ever since. The Philippines had remained to be supplies of goods of other nations. Third, the issue about the price of commodities with are based upon the roller coaster ride of the oil price. Fourth, Corona was also brought up. And Lastly, the Sin Tax, RH Bill.
                      Lasting about one and ½ hours, the President’s speech was far his longest.
                    “I repeat: what was once impossible is now possible.” The President said in Filipino “I stand before you today and tell you: this is not my SONA. You made this happen. This is the SONA of the Filipino Nation. Thank you”

Nutrition Month

Over the past few years, the Ilocos Sur National High School(ISNHS) has a tradition that is followed. The tradition is that each month of the school year, there is a corresponding event or celebration that is held. And this month of July 2012 is the turn of the T.L.E Department or Step Club to shine in the Nutrition Month with the theme "Pagkain ng Gulay Ugaliin, Araw-araw itong ihain."

This is the ff. Schedule of the Activities:

Poster Making  -July 27, 2012
@ISNHS Library

Nutri Quiz         - July 28, 2012
                                @ISNHS Library

Extemporaneous Speech
                                -July 5, 2012
                                @Balay ti Alumni

Mr. & Ms. Nutrition

Elimination         -(9:30-10:00am)
                                @Balay ti Alumni
                1st year- July 3, 2012
                2nd year- July 4, 2012
                3rd year- July 5, 2012
                4th year- July 6, 2012

Finals                    -July 11, 2012
                                @ISNHS Gymnasium

Foodfest             -July 16-20, 2012
                                @Infront of the T.L.E Building

Cookfest             -July 24, 2012
                                @Infront of the T.L.E Building


Elimination         -(4:00-5:00pm)
                                @ISNHS Gymnasium
                4th year-July 23, 2012
                3rd year- July 24, 2012
                2nd year- July 25, 2012
                1st year- July 26, 2012
Finals                    -July 31, 2012

  So students of ISNHS, go and get ready for the Storm: Nutrition and take note:  have FUN! J

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Letter for President Noynoy

Dear Mr.  President,

Allow me to extend my congratulations for being the premier of the republic of the Philippines.  Now is the time to do something, don’t waste another year for seating there doing nothing. I know that you have a good heart and had good intentions when you ran for the presidency. However, those things alone does not make an effective leader. I may not have voted because I’m too young but since you won, I will support you and in return, I am expecting a lot. A lot for the near future.
Our country is sick now Mr. President. Sick because of corruption and wrong doings of the people, not just by the government but also the public.But until now, I didn’t even see a change.  I appreciate your efforts and doings for the better of our country but its not enough. But I appreciate it though.  
You are the man that we’re expecting a lot. You’re our inspiration.Now is the time to get out there and start turning things out with determination and sweat. I am not expecting you too change our country like 1 second and boooom. No man can do it. But I expect you to be able to inspire the country collectively to make ‘that change’ step by step with the Filipino people. With us. By inspiring us . Mr. President please point us the right direction and show us the way. I know that you would not let us down sir. 
Respectfully yours,