Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hasta La Vista Señor 2nd quarter! ;)

Time flies really fast huh? It seems like only yesterday when I started my day as a Senior Student and boom! I woke up and found out that second quarter is almost over. 5 months to go and my journey as a high school student comes to an end. We are almost half the finish line guys(seniors!). But wait… it’s too early to say goodbye, right? So back to the topic, second quarter is coming to an end and what are the learnings and discoveries that I’ve learned? Well to tell you frankly, I don’t know… I don’t know where to start ;). In our subject ICT, I’ve learned many things. Things about http, search engines, html, all kinds of tags and how can I apply them. For me, the best part of this quarter is about the tags and blogging. By blogging, I can share my insights and opinions about a certain topic.
But not every time, we run across a straight path in our journey. There will always be a time that we across some problems and circumstances. Finishing the second quarter is not an easy task. I’ve encountered so many problems like: finishing all my activities. In blogging, difficulties about my vocabulary and doing some of my drafts on time. And lastly, submitting my notes or notebook to my teacher.
After the storm… there is flood. Just kidding! Okay, let me rephrase that: After the storm, there is sunshine. I’ve faced all my problems and challenges and luckily, I’ve accomplished all of them. There will always be that people who’ll helped me even in times of my darkness and challenges like Claire who lend her notebook to me last night, my bestfriends: Den Pre Lezarious who always reminded me to post my articles ASAP! And of course, GOD that will always guide me towards the right path. And yeah, I am also proud of myself for not giving up and for crossing the bridge of storm with a huge smile on my face.
So moving on… I know that my journey is not yet over. There will always be a time that I’ll stumble down. But it doesn’t mean that I’ll give-up. These challenges will be the reason for me to be stronger. And yeah \m/, I am looking forward to learn new things and new lessons not just about the subject ICT, but also about the reality of life. So, Mr. 2nd grading period, hasta la vista! :D

English Month

“Upholding English Proficiency for Communicative Competence.” This is the theme for this year’s English Month.
English is the world’s universal language. Learning to speak and understand English is important because: 1st, it is the language spoken by more people than any other. 2nd, to make yourself understood. To understand others, to gain respect for yourself and your opinions to say.  3rd, to be able to communicate well to others (people in other countries) you need to understand and speak proper English and lastly, without English, I wouldn't be able to write this articles/posts on my blog.
The theme tells us that we should learn English so that we would be able to communicate in the use of our universal language. In this way, wherever we go, we won’t encounter difficulties in communicating with other nationalities.  

Be Energized!

The Science Month proudly presents an electrifying September- long activity that will leave you charged up with the theme “SCIENTRICITY: Energizing Clubs for Sustainable Energy.”
The 1st time I heard the theme of this month’s celebration, my brain suddenly twisted and turned.  Many question marks were starting to build up in my head. “What in the world is the world Scientricity?” “Sustainable Energy? Huh?” and so on… And that’s the time I found out that ‘Scientricity’ is composed of two words: Science and Electricity. At first, I was confused so I asked my teachers and classmates if they can explain it to me.  
Sustainable Energy means energy sources that will allow the Earth to sustain balanced, healthy ecosystems and human life. And when I say Sustainable Energy, I was referring to solar energy(solar panels and photovoltaic windows), wind energy(like our own wind mill in Ilocos Norte), some forms of water (hydro) power and some biomass fuels.
The theme aims to introduce to us students and teachers to Sustainable Energy and engage them in the call for its responsible us. So everyone, ready your gears and get set to be energized! :)