Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hasta La Vista Señor 2nd quarter! ;)

Time flies really fast huh? It seems like only yesterday when I started my day as a Senior Student and boom! I woke up and found out that second quarter is almost over. 5 months to go and my journey as a high school student comes to an end. We are almost half the finish line guys(seniors!). But wait… it’s too early to say goodbye, right? So back to the topic, second quarter is coming to an end and what are the learnings and discoveries that I’ve learned? Well to tell you frankly, I don’t know… I don’t know where to start ;). In our subject ICT, I’ve learned many things. Things about http, search engines, html, all kinds of tags and how can I apply them. For me, the best part of this quarter is about the tags and blogging. By blogging, I can share my insights and opinions about a certain topic.
But not every time, we run across a straight path in our journey. There will always be a time that we across some problems and circumstances. Finishing the second quarter is not an easy task. I’ve encountered so many problems like: finishing all my activities. In blogging, difficulties about my vocabulary and doing some of my drafts on time. And lastly, submitting my notes or notebook to my teacher.
After the storm… there is flood. Just kidding! Okay, let me rephrase that: After the storm, there is sunshine. I’ve faced all my problems and challenges and luckily, I’ve accomplished all of them. There will always be that people who’ll helped me even in times of my darkness and challenges like Claire who lend her notebook to me last night, my bestfriends: Den Pre Lezarious who always reminded me to post my articles ASAP! And of course, GOD that will always guide me towards the right path. And yeah, I am also proud of myself for not giving up and for crossing the bridge of storm with a huge smile on my face.
So moving on… I know that my journey is not yet over. There will always be a time that I’ll stumble down. But it doesn’t mean that I’ll give-up. These challenges will be the reason for me to be stronger. And yeah \m/, I am looking forward to learn new things and new lessons not just about the subject ICT, but also about the reality of life. So, Mr. 2nd grading period, hasta la vista! :D


  1. "But not every time, we run across a straight path in our journey." Aye, that's very true for sometimes we also crank, we travel along a zigzag path wherein we come to encounter the convolutions and intricacies of life. On the other hand, its admirable that you're really such a firm girl bestfriend. And of course, we'll always be there for you to help you even with your studies. What are friends for right? Lastly, good luck Cassy and keep dreaming! Try to become a good girl now. I'm just kidding! :D

    1. I am a good girl >.< haha. lels! okay fine. slight lang. haha. :P

      THANKS DEN! and don't worry, I will and I hope you will keep on dreaming too. GOOD LUCK and Break a leg! :D

  2. well just keep doing the good work, and manage your time correctly so that you can do your achievements in the right time... so good luck and God bless :) and continue the good work this 3rd grading :)

    1. Thank you very much and Good Luck to you too! Break a leg! :D

  3. You really did accomplish a lot of things for your second grading period. You are very correct what you said about your friends. Continue to put more efforts in your studies.

  4. You can never be a successful person if you did not encountered hindrances during different phases in your life. These are all part of growing up, learn how to live with it and I assure you that this will make you a better person inside and out. Good luck for this grading period and I wish you all the best in every single thing that you do. :)

    1. *nose bleed* haha. just kidding! XD

      THANK YOU MAMO! and btw, bakit hindi pwede magpost ng comment sa blog mo? ayaw yata ng blog mo na mag comment ako eh. I'm hurt you know.. awts awts. *okay tama na ang drama* haha. lels! XD Mamo, thank you ulit at good luck rin sayo. break a leg! ;)

  5. Yes you're right Cas! Our failures make us stronger. Because we are not said to be a normal person to this world without hindrances or failures. Just do your best Cas! keep up the good work.God Bless! :)

    1. BEZ! Thank you very much for that wonderful speech(?) haha. jk! :D

      GOOD LUCK to you too and Break a Leg! ;)

  6. Wonderful reflection just like you :) Good luck for the two more grading periods . Strive harder and God Bless .:)

    1. just like me? wushu! haha. XD

      Thank you very much and good luck to you too! break a leg! ;)

  7. Hi Cass :)) You are right ! God Bless pretty.

    1. hey beautiful! thanks for visiting my blog and Good luck! Break a leg! ;))

  8. Hello! You are right of what you have said. Study hard for the best future of yours and God bless

    1. Hi Marjorie! Thanks for visiting my blog and good luck to your studies! ;)

  9. hello,your reflection was so good and amazing,keep up the good work,good job and study hard.GODBLESS

    1. Hi Henry! Thanks for visiting my blog and for the ncie comment. GOOD LUCK to your studies! :D

  10. Hello! keep up the good work.good luck for the next quarter.good job :)

  11. Hai .Your reflection is so nice .Study well and keep up the good work . Keep safe .:D

    1. Hi Donnell! Thanks for visiting my blog and for the nice comment :)

      GOOD LUCK to your studies :)

  12. nice work,,good luck for this next grading period..

  13. Haii :) Good Work , keep it up and God Bless.
