Sunday, September 2, 2012

Our own Identity

               What is the reason behind the unity of a crowd in a country? How they formed their own identity? It wasn’t because of the appearance or the clothing and more especially not because of the actions or the behaviour. One culture is not only formed just because of their beliefs. It needed something to it for it to be cleared. This is the language. If we look at it carefully, one country is having a unity because of their own language. The Philippines and its language: Filipino is a good example of it.
                Many chapters are created from the history of the National language of the Philippines. If we review the history, we’ll discover that the journey of the Pilipino people in achieving their own language was difficult.  The history of the Filipino language was a battle for our ancestors. Language meant freedom. Blood and ink was shed for our rights of liberty to be declared. The struggle of ownership of identity citizenship for our people and language for our country inspired our national heroes, especially our most venerated, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. He shed ink through his novels, letters and poetry in order for our people to believe in themselves but the irony is, it was only after he shed his own blood that it was ultimately realised.
                It was important for the Philippines to find liberty in having their own National language. Through much debate, “Tagalog” was finally chosen as it was widely spoken throughout Philippines, although it caused quite controversial issues, Tagalog modified into Filipino in 1987 become the National language of the Philippines in the Philippine Constitution. Though the declaration, it reveals the importance of what surrounds the meaning of what make us Pilipino.  
                After a long period of time, the language Filipino is the reason why we, Pilipinos, have our own identity. Every country or civilization is not complete without their own language. This not only a way to communicate with others but it also led the way for us Pilipinos to indicate our thoughts or ideas. Thanks for the language Filipino, more than seven thousand islands in the Philippines are united. Although, they are far away from each other, they still have one thought of emotions because of their National language.

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