Wednesday, September 12, 2012


    Superman, Spiderman, Wonder Women and Hawkgirl. The set of superheroes goes on and on. As kids, many of us looked up to fictional characters who had out of this world powers like x-ray vision, laser, unkabogable super strength and speed  and a power to turn invisible. But as we grow older, we realize that the real heroes aren’t those in comic books or on TV, but instead those we see every day. Just like what I’ve wrote before, my mom is my hero. BUT I don’t just have one hero, I have a million, My hero is all the teachers around this country.

   Teaching is one of the most undermined professions in this country. Many people view teachers as an easy profession but being a teacher isn’t that simple. Teachers provide the key to success which is education. A person doesn’t need super strength or laser vision to be a hero. A hero is anyone who changes a person’s life for the better and teachers do just that.

 A teacher’s purpose isn’t just to teach, but also to inspire. Of course, there have been times when we’ve had teachers who didn’t exactly care or take their job seriously, but we’ve also come across teachers who change our lives for the better. They don’t only teach us how to add and subtract or balance a chemical equation, but they also teach us that our dreams aren’t as far as they seem. They help us to reach our full potential and push us to always do our best. My teachers always encourage me to do my best and to never give up no matter what challenge I may face. If they encourage me this much, I can only imagine tremendously positive effect they had on many students through their teaching career.

Teachers are my second mother and father. They were there when I needed them, not only as a teacher but also as a friend, a mother/father, and most especially, a listener. They were always there for me. Someday, I wish to help mold someone else like they helped me in molding the Cassandra I am today. I owe them a lot of THANKS and ILOVEYOUS. TEACHERS, Thanks for everything and an advanced HAPPY TEACHERS DAY.... my Heroes :) 

1 comment:

  1. sana mnention mo yung pangalan para mas dedicated.. nice work.. go cassandra clap clap clap
