Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Buttons


*Rewind* *Rewind* *Rewind*


I fall. I rise. I made mistakes. I live. I learn. I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm a human, I'm not perfect but I'm Alive.



That was my brief summary for the 3rd grading period. As you can see, this grading period was so far my craziest and zigzag mode rode along my journey as a senior student. I've encountered the disease "TAMADism" recently.  Ever heard of it? Hahaha. Lels. But hey! That's life! That was my downfall. And now, I'm happy to say that I'm back on track.  My Goal: never ever ever let the disease "TAMADism" get along my way towards the finish line again. I've learned my lesson and I hope that I'll do a much much MUCH better today.  
Tik tok tik tok tik tok. 2 months to go seniors! 2 months to go and our journey as a high school student will be over. Time is running so fast and me and my bff's had been thinking.~ What will happen to us after graduation? (FOODS! Haha. Jk! ) Are we still gonna be this close and happy-go-lucky? One thing is for sure: We will definitely going to miss each other~ The bonding, the laughs, the jokes, the time for us to goof around and sing till our heart's content. The ride when we go home and scream 'hi' 'hello' 'kuya, flat ang tire mo' to other people we don't know and laugh. These little things but extremely breath-taking moments is what I'll gonna miss with my best friends. With the Raeden Pre Lezarious group(like us on facebook!)
Remember guys! 2 months to go. 2 months to bond and be happy with your classmates and wonderful teachers. 2 months to strive hard for your studies. 2 months to PROVE yourself.

   PS. Make your 2 months worth remembering. XOXO

Two. Zero. One. Three

       5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! 

Thank you 2012 for the memories, LESSONS, love and laughter. But now, I'm ready to start my first page of the book 2013. Btw, I'm the author. *wink wink* ;)

So here's my plot for my book:

In 2013, I hope I'll love a little bolder, laugh a little louder, stand a little taller, be a little braver, dream a little bigger and make the world a little brighter.

Is my plot for 2013 kinda cliché? MAYBE. Hahaha. But hey, that's life! I like goals. I like progress. I want to improve and live my life to the fullest! I think there's something really brilliant about the obstinate commitment to pursue something better. So many of us will fail, but what about the ones that don't? And even when we do, I think we always learn something/ somehow that'll help us to become a better person along the way.

"For last year's words, belong to last year's language. And next year's words, await another voice." –T.S Eliot

make 2013 your year. good luck! XOXO

December to Remember

             Cold breeze, cozy nights, warm blankets and a delicious hot chocolate.~ this is my perfect introduction for the month of December.
                Many people where so excited and happy when the month of December was saying hello on their calendars. And when I said many people, I meant ME, MYSELF AND I is also included to that group. Did I mention that the month of December is one of my favorite months throughout a year? Well it's because of:

- It's the coldest month of the year
- Do this quote rings a bell? ~ "CHRISTMAS BREAK"  :3 (more sleeping for me)
- Amazing decorations throughout the city
-More sleeping again
- Lots of delicious food in the kitchen (aminin)
- bonding with relatives
-more and more time for sleeping :P
- Time for sharing, loving, forgiving and tons of 'alegría'
-and lastly,

A time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk on the couch: IT IS TIME FOR HOME.

~happy holidays humans! XOXO