Wednesday, January 16, 2013

December to Remember

             Cold breeze, cozy nights, warm blankets and a delicious hot chocolate.~ this is my perfect introduction for the month of December.
                Many people where so excited and happy when the month of December was saying hello on their calendars. And when I said many people, I meant ME, MYSELF AND I is also included to that group. Did I mention that the month of December is one of my favorite months throughout a year? Well it's because of:

- It's the coldest month of the year
- Do this quote rings a bell? ~ "CHRISTMAS BREAK"  :3 (more sleeping for me)
- Amazing decorations throughout the city
-More sleeping again
- Lots of delicious food in the kitchen (aminin)
- bonding with relatives
-more and more time for sleeping :P
- Time for sharing, loving, forgiving and tons of 'alegría'
-and lastly,

A time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk on the couch: IT IS TIME FOR HOME.

~happy holidays humans! XOXO

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