Saturday, July 27, 2013

Quote for this day

"Sometimes, you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand back up taller than you ever were"

sorry for the super smurf update. I just miss writing on my blog.

HI. HELLO! kamusta kaun? :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Buttons


*Rewind* *Rewind* *Rewind*


I fall. I rise. I made mistakes. I live. I learn. I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm a human, I'm not perfect but I'm Alive.



That was my brief summary for the 3rd grading period. As you can see, this grading period was so far my craziest and zigzag mode rode along my journey as a senior student. I've encountered the disease "TAMADism" recently.  Ever heard of it? Hahaha. Lels. But hey! That's life! That was my downfall. And now, I'm happy to say that I'm back on track.  My Goal: never ever ever let the disease "TAMADism" get along my way towards the finish line again. I've learned my lesson and I hope that I'll do a much much MUCH better today.  
Tik tok tik tok tik tok. 2 months to go seniors! 2 months to go and our journey as a high school student will be over. Time is running so fast and me and my bff's had been thinking.~ What will happen to us after graduation? (FOODS! Haha. Jk! ) Are we still gonna be this close and happy-go-lucky? One thing is for sure: We will definitely going to miss each other~ The bonding, the laughs, the jokes, the time for us to goof around and sing till our heart's content. The ride when we go home and scream 'hi' 'hello' 'kuya, flat ang tire mo' to other people we don't know and laugh. These little things but extremely breath-taking moments is what I'll gonna miss with my best friends. With the Raeden Pre Lezarious group(like us on facebook!)
Remember guys! 2 months to go. 2 months to bond and be happy with your classmates and wonderful teachers. 2 months to strive hard for your studies. 2 months to PROVE yourself.

   PS. Make your 2 months worth remembering. XOXO

Two. Zero. One. Three

       5! 4! 3! 2! 1! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! 

Thank you 2012 for the memories, LESSONS, love and laughter. But now, I'm ready to start my first page of the book 2013. Btw, I'm the author. *wink wink* ;)

So here's my plot for my book:

In 2013, I hope I'll love a little bolder, laugh a little louder, stand a little taller, be a little braver, dream a little bigger and make the world a little brighter.

Is my plot for 2013 kinda cliché? MAYBE. Hahaha. But hey, that's life! I like goals. I like progress. I want to improve and live my life to the fullest! I think there's something really brilliant about the obstinate commitment to pursue something better. So many of us will fail, but what about the ones that don't? And even when we do, I think we always learn something/ somehow that'll help us to become a better person along the way.

"For last year's words, belong to last year's language. And next year's words, await another voice." –T.S Eliot

make 2013 your year. good luck! XOXO

December to Remember

             Cold breeze, cozy nights, warm blankets and a delicious hot chocolate.~ this is my perfect introduction for the month of December.
                Many people where so excited and happy when the month of December was saying hello on their calendars. And when I said many people, I meant ME, MYSELF AND I is also included to that group. Did I mention that the month of December is one of my favorite months throughout a year? Well it's because of:

- It's the coldest month of the year
- Do this quote rings a bell? ~ "CHRISTMAS BREAK"  :3 (more sleeping for me)
- Amazing decorations throughout the city
-More sleeping again
- Lots of delicious food in the kitchen (aminin)
- bonding with relatives
-more and more time for sleeping :P
- Time for sharing, loving, forgiving and tons of 'alegría'
-and lastly,

A time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk on the couch: IT IS TIME FOR HOME.

~happy holidays humans! XOXO

Sunday, December 2, 2012

When the sun rises, it rises for everyone

"When the sun rises, it rises for everyone." "All the people like us are WE, and everyone else is THEY." These quotes say it all.
            EQUALITY.  In Google, there are about 30,700,000 results. In mathematics, it is a symbolic expression of the fact that two quantities are equal; an equation. In dictionary, it means the state of being equal. And in LIFE, it means that no person counts more than another, whoever his or her parents are, whatever his or her social position is.  We all have equal access to the benefits, burdens and responsibilities of our society regardless of race, gender, class, religion, disability, or other aspects of what we look like or where we come from. Of course, people are not identical to one another in their interests, their abilities and lifestyles, but such differences should not be a reason for denying anyone equal rights. Equality is about having the same rights and the same chances. People must have equal opportunities to succeed in education or work, depending on their own efforts.
Special thanks to Google and Oxford dictionary ;)

Keep The Earth Beautiful

Hot days and hot nights. Rising sea levels. Extreme weather shifts. Severe flooding. Increasingly frequent and intense natural disasters. If we don't do something about climate change now, all could become a reality. While some climate change is the result of natural processes, the most significant shifts in the Earth’s temperature are caused by human activities~specifically, by the excessive release of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere, largely the result of deforestation, agricultural conversion and unsustainable tourism.

Plant trees. Do the 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), support and participate the programs that the government launches for the prevention of climate change. Don’t waste another minute doing nothing. All of us should be moving NOW so that we won’t regret it in the near future.

Today, tomorrow and for the near future, let us help one another and keep the Earth Beautiful.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hasta La Vista Señor 2nd quarter! ;)

Time flies really fast huh? It seems like only yesterday when I started my day as a Senior Student and boom! I woke up and found out that second quarter is almost over. 5 months to go and my journey as a high school student comes to an end. We are almost half the finish line guys(seniors!). But wait… it’s too early to say goodbye, right? So back to the topic, second quarter is coming to an end and what are the learnings and discoveries that I’ve learned? Well to tell you frankly, I don’t know… I don’t know where to start ;). In our subject ICT, I’ve learned many things. Things about http, search engines, html, all kinds of tags and how can I apply them. For me, the best part of this quarter is about the tags and blogging. By blogging, I can share my insights and opinions about a certain topic.
But not every time, we run across a straight path in our journey. There will always be a time that we across some problems and circumstances. Finishing the second quarter is not an easy task. I’ve encountered so many problems like: finishing all my activities. In blogging, difficulties about my vocabulary and doing some of my drafts on time. And lastly, submitting my notes or notebook to my teacher.
After the storm… there is flood. Just kidding! Okay, let me rephrase that: After the storm, there is sunshine. I’ve faced all my problems and challenges and luckily, I’ve accomplished all of them. There will always be that people who’ll helped me even in times of my darkness and challenges like Claire who lend her notebook to me last night, my bestfriends: Den Pre Lezarious who always reminded me to post my articles ASAP! And of course, GOD that will always guide me towards the right path. And yeah, I am also proud of myself for not giving up and for crossing the bridge of storm with a huge smile on my face.
So moving on… I know that my journey is not yet over. There will always be a time that I’ll stumble down. But it doesn’t mean that I’ll give-up. These challenges will be the reason for me to be stronger. And yeah \m/, I am looking forward to learn new things and new lessons not just about the subject ICT, but also about the reality of life. So, Mr. 2nd grading period, hasta la vista! :D