Sunday, December 2, 2012

When the sun rises, it rises for everyone

"When the sun rises, it rises for everyone." "All the people like us are WE, and everyone else is THEY." These quotes say it all.
            EQUALITY.  In Google, there are about 30,700,000 results. In mathematics, it is a symbolic expression of the fact that two quantities are equal; an equation. In dictionary, it means the state of being equal. And in LIFE, it means that no person counts more than another, whoever his or her parents are, whatever his or her social position is.  We all have equal access to the benefits, burdens and responsibilities of our society regardless of race, gender, class, religion, disability, or other aspects of what we look like or where we come from. Of course, people are not identical to one another in their interests, their abilities and lifestyles, but such differences should not be a reason for denying anyone equal rights. Equality is about having the same rights and the same chances. People must have equal opportunities to succeed in education or work, depending on their own efforts.
Special thanks to Google and Oxford dictionary ;)

Keep The Earth Beautiful

Hot days and hot nights. Rising sea levels. Extreme weather shifts. Severe flooding. Increasingly frequent and intense natural disasters. If we don't do something about climate change now, all could become a reality. While some climate change is the result of natural processes, the most significant shifts in the Earth’s temperature are caused by human activities~specifically, by the excessive release of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere, largely the result of deforestation, agricultural conversion and unsustainable tourism.

Plant trees. Do the 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), support and participate the programs that the government launches for the prevention of climate change. Don’t waste another minute doing nothing. All of us should be moving NOW so that we won’t regret it in the near future.

Today, tomorrow and for the near future, let us help one another and keep the Earth Beautiful.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hasta La Vista Señor 2nd quarter! ;)

Time flies really fast huh? It seems like only yesterday when I started my day as a Senior Student and boom! I woke up and found out that second quarter is almost over. 5 months to go and my journey as a high school student comes to an end. We are almost half the finish line guys(seniors!). But wait… it’s too early to say goodbye, right? So back to the topic, second quarter is coming to an end and what are the learnings and discoveries that I’ve learned? Well to tell you frankly, I don’t know… I don’t know where to start ;). In our subject ICT, I’ve learned many things. Things about http, search engines, html, all kinds of tags and how can I apply them. For me, the best part of this quarter is about the tags and blogging. By blogging, I can share my insights and opinions about a certain topic.
But not every time, we run across a straight path in our journey. There will always be a time that we across some problems and circumstances. Finishing the second quarter is not an easy task. I’ve encountered so many problems like: finishing all my activities. In blogging, difficulties about my vocabulary and doing some of my drafts on time. And lastly, submitting my notes or notebook to my teacher.
After the storm… there is flood. Just kidding! Okay, let me rephrase that: After the storm, there is sunshine. I’ve faced all my problems and challenges and luckily, I’ve accomplished all of them. There will always be that people who’ll helped me even in times of my darkness and challenges like Claire who lend her notebook to me last night, my bestfriends: Den Pre Lezarious who always reminded me to post my articles ASAP! And of course, GOD that will always guide me towards the right path. And yeah, I am also proud of myself for not giving up and for crossing the bridge of storm with a huge smile on my face.
So moving on… I know that my journey is not yet over. There will always be a time that I’ll stumble down. But it doesn’t mean that I’ll give-up. These challenges will be the reason for me to be stronger. And yeah \m/, I am looking forward to learn new things and new lessons not just about the subject ICT, but also about the reality of life. So, Mr. 2nd grading period, hasta la vista! :D

English Month

“Upholding English Proficiency for Communicative Competence.” This is the theme for this year’s English Month.
English is the world’s universal language. Learning to speak and understand English is important because: 1st, it is the language spoken by more people than any other. 2nd, to make yourself understood. To understand others, to gain respect for yourself and your opinions to say.  3rd, to be able to communicate well to others (people in other countries) you need to understand and speak proper English and lastly, without English, I wouldn't be able to write this articles/posts on my blog.
The theme tells us that we should learn English so that we would be able to communicate in the use of our universal language. In this way, wherever we go, we won’t encounter difficulties in communicating with other nationalities.  

Be Energized!

The Science Month proudly presents an electrifying September- long activity that will leave you charged up with the theme “SCIENTRICITY: Energizing Clubs for Sustainable Energy.”
The 1st time I heard the theme of this month’s celebration, my brain suddenly twisted and turned.  Many question marks were starting to build up in my head. “What in the world is the world Scientricity?” “Sustainable Energy? Huh?” and so on… And that’s the time I found out that ‘Scientricity’ is composed of two words: Science and Electricity. At first, I was confused so I asked my teachers and classmates if they can explain it to me.  
Sustainable Energy means energy sources that will allow the Earth to sustain balanced, healthy ecosystems and human life. And when I say Sustainable Energy, I was referring to solar energy(solar panels and photovoltaic windows), wind energy(like our own wind mill in Ilocos Norte), some forms of water (hydro) power and some biomass fuels.
The theme aims to introduce to us students and teachers to Sustainable Energy and engage them in the call for its responsible us. So everyone, ready your gears and get set to be energized! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


    Superman, Spiderman, Wonder Women and Hawkgirl. The set of superheroes goes on and on. As kids, many of us looked up to fictional characters who had out of this world powers like x-ray vision, laser, unkabogable super strength and speed  and a power to turn invisible. But as we grow older, we realize that the real heroes aren’t those in comic books or on TV, but instead those we see every day. Just like what I’ve wrote before, my mom is my hero. BUT I don’t just have one hero, I have a million, My hero is all the teachers around this country.

   Teaching is one of the most undermined professions in this country. Many people view teachers as an easy profession but being a teacher isn’t that simple. Teachers provide the key to success which is education. A person doesn’t need super strength or laser vision to be a hero. A hero is anyone who changes a person’s life for the better and teachers do just that.

 A teacher’s purpose isn’t just to teach, but also to inspire. Of course, there have been times when we’ve had teachers who didn’t exactly care or take their job seriously, but we’ve also come across teachers who change our lives for the better. They don’t only teach us how to add and subtract or balance a chemical equation, but they also teach us that our dreams aren’t as far as they seem. They help us to reach our full potential and push us to always do our best. My teachers always encourage me to do my best and to never give up no matter what challenge I may face. If they encourage me this much, I can only imagine tremendously positive effect they had on many students through their teaching career.

Teachers are my second mother and father. They were there when I needed them, not only as a teacher but also as a friend, a mother/father, and most especially, a listener. They were always there for me. Someday, I wish to help mold someone else like they helped me in molding the Cassandra I am today. I owe them a lot of THANKS and ILOVEYOUS. TEACHERS, Thanks for everything and an advanced HAPPY TEACHERS DAY.... my Heroes :) 

Monday, September 3, 2012


                Who is my hero or what is my hero? Is it a superhero like superman, batman or spiderman out to save the world from danger? NO. Is my hero a celebrity with fame, glam, and fortune? NO. Is it good-looking like Mario Maurer, Alex Pettyfer, James Reid or Daniel Padilla? Or is it a hot-looking vampire named Edward Cullen that shimmers like a crystal in the sunlight, throwing millions of rainbows everywhere? I wish! But unfortunately, no. My hero is even better than that, more special, more braver and more stronger than that. My hero is my 45-year old mom.
                Through all odds no matter what destruction life has threw at my mother she never once admitted defeat and she has always presented herself as a strong married woman. My mother has always been there for me even when no one else was, and she has sacrificed a lot to provide for our family putting long hours in at work just to make ends meet and it seems like she works non-stop because when she’s home, she doesn’t stop to rest, just to bond with us, her family. Sometimes I wonder how one person can do so much in one day and continue to do all this throughout a whole week and sometimes this makes me feel guilty at seeing how hard she works. I just feel so helpless watching her, wanting to help her but I can barely take care of myself. So I just make one silent promise to myself and to my mother. I value that I will get my education finished. When I reach a point in my life, when I feel like giving-up, I will just think about parents, most especially to my mom and how she kept going through life with her head held up high and this will be the push or the key that I will need to be successful and to be able to take care of my mom like she once took care of me.
                My mommy is a queen to me but sometimes, I don’t show my appreciation and I don`t tell her how much I love her and how much of an impact she really has had on my life. Sometimes, we take people we love the most for granted but sitting here thinking about all the things my mother has done for me just makes me love her even more and although sometimes we don`t get along well (well like mostly) or see eye-to-eye. I‘m so fortunate that God has placed this woman in my life or I wouldn‘t be the person that I am today filled with goals and dreams that has the desire to make these dreams into reality.
                Self-motivation, self respect, respect or others and self-discipline is the characteristics that my mother has instilled in me. She taught me that life isn`t always fair and when you want something, you have to work hard and strive for the best and when I have a dream, I better run with it and don`t look back until I reach the finish line. This is the person that I am, all thanks to my hero, my mother.  

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Our own Identity

               What is the reason behind the unity of a crowd in a country? How they formed their own identity? It wasn’t because of the appearance or the clothing and more especially not because of the actions or the behaviour. One culture is not only formed just because of their beliefs. It needed something to it for it to be cleared. This is the language. If we look at it carefully, one country is having a unity because of their own language. The Philippines and its language: Filipino is a good example of it.
                Many chapters are created from the history of the National language of the Philippines. If we review the history, we’ll discover that the journey of the Pilipino people in achieving their own language was difficult.  The history of the Filipino language was a battle for our ancestors. Language meant freedom. Blood and ink was shed for our rights of liberty to be declared. The struggle of ownership of identity citizenship for our people and language for our country inspired our national heroes, especially our most venerated, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. He shed ink through his novels, letters and poetry in order for our people to believe in themselves but the irony is, it was only after he shed his own blood that it was ultimately realised.
                It was important for the Philippines to find liberty in having their own National language. Through much debate, “Tagalog” was finally chosen as it was widely spoken throughout Philippines, although it caused quite controversial issues, Tagalog modified into Filipino in 1987 become the National language of the Philippines in the Philippine Constitution. Though the declaration, it reveals the importance of what surrounds the meaning of what make us Pilipino.  
                After a long period of time, the language Filipino is the reason why we, Pilipinos, have our own identity. Every country or civilization is not complete without their own language. This not only a way to communicate with others but it also led the way for us Pilipinos to indicate our thoughts or ideas. Thanks for the language Filipino, more than seven thousand islands in the Philippines are united. Although, they are far away from each other, they still have one thought of emotions because of their National language.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Once impossible, Now possible

                       All eyes are on the President Benigno Simeon “Noynoy” C. Aquino III as he goes set to deliver his State of the Nation Address (SONA) in the Joint Session of 15th Congress at the House of Representatives last July 23, 2012. This SONA 2012 will be the 3rd SONA since he was elected as the Philippine President.
                     The delivered SONA is hs report about the achievements his administration had for the past 2 years. The highlight was the economic gains that the Philippine achieved like: First, the successful implementation of the K+12 program. Second, his economic reforms have been down ever since. The Philippines had remained to be supplies of goods of other nations. Third, the issue about the price of commodities with are based upon the roller coaster ride of the oil price. Fourth, Corona was also brought up. And Lastly, the Sin Tax, RH Bill.
                      Lasting about one and ½ hours, the President’s speech was far his longest.
                    “I repeat: what was once impossible is now possible.” The President said in Filipino “I stand before you today and tell you: this is not my SONA. You made this happen. This is the SONA of the Filipino Nation. Thank you”

Nutrition Month

Over the past few years, the Ilocos Sur National High School(ISNHS) has a tradition that is followed. The tradition is that each month of the school year, there is a corresponding event or celebration that is held. And this month of July 2012 is the turn of the T.L.E Department or Step Club to shine in the Nutrition Month with the theme "Pagkain ng Gulay Ugaliin, Araw-araw itong ihain."

This is the ff. Schedule of the Activities:

Poster Making  -July 27, 2012
@ISNHS Library

Nutri Quiz         - July 28, 2012
                                @ISNHS Library

Extemporaneous Speech
                                -July 5, 2012
                                @Balay ti Alumni

Mr. & Ms. Nutrition

Elimination         -(9:30-10:00am)
                                @Balay ti Alumni
                1st year- July 3, 2012
                2nd year- July 4, 2012
                3rd year- July 5, 2012
                4th year- July 6, 2012

Finals                    -July 11, 2012
                                @ISNHS Gymnasium

Foodfest             -July 16-20, 2012
                                @Infront of the T.L.E Building

Cookfest             -July 24, 2012
                                @Infront of the T.L.E Building


Elimination         -(4:00-5:00pm)
                                @ISNHS Gymnasium
                4th year-July 23, 2012
                3rd year- July 24, 2012
                2nd year- July 25, 2012
                1st year- July 26, 2012
Finals                    -July 31, 2012

  So students of ISNHS, go and get ready for the Storm: Nutrition and take note:  have FUN! J

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Letter for President Noynoy

Dear Mr.  President,

Allow me to extend my congratulations for being the premier of the republic of the Philippines.  Now is the time to do something, don’t waste another year for seating there doing nothing. I know that you have a good heart and had good intentions when you ran for the presidency. However, those things alone does not make an effective leader. I may not have voted because I’m too young but since you won, I will support you and in return, I am expecting a lot. A lot for the near future.
Our country is sick now Mr. President. Sick because of corruption and wrong doings of the people, not just by the government but also the public.But until now, I didn’t even see a change.  I appreciate your efforts and doings for the better of our country but its not enough. But I appreciate it though.  
You are the man that we’re expecting a lot. You’re our inspiration.Now is the time to get out there and start turning things out with determination and sweat. I am not expecting you too change our country like 1 second and boooom. No man can do it. But I expect you to be able to inspire the country collectively to make ‘that change’ step by step with the Filipino people. With us. By inspiring us . Mr. President please point us the right direction and show us the way. I know that you would not let us down sir. 
Respectfully yours,